Cotton Electric Cooperative works hard to hold down energy prices. You, too, can play an important role in improving the energy efficiency of your home and controlling your energy costs. First, start by evaluating your home and taking simple steps to trim unnecessary energy use.
Get a clear picture of which parts of your home use the most energy. The first step in reducing home energy costs is to review last year’s utility bills. Using the below national “percentage” averages, a homeowner who spent $2,500 a year for home energy would have paid roughly:
$1,000 for heating and cooling
$450 for electronics and miscellaneous
$275 for lighting
$350 for water heating
$425 for refrigeration and appliances
Contact Heath Morgan to review your bills and receive a more accurate estimate.
We can also schedule a free energy efficiency home evaluation to help you find ways to save.
Another great resource is Touchstone Energy's Home Energy Savings Guide.
Visit Energy Star to see ways to make home and appliance upgrades that will save energy - saving you money.