Is rooftop solar a good option for your home?

We can help.

The avoided cost is defined as the average wholesale energy and fuel cost per kWh as determined for the monthly billing period by the Cooperative's Power Supplier, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, as determined by the Southwest Power Pool (SPP).

  • Billing cycle dates are the 1st of the month through the end of the month
  • Bills are issued on the 10th of each month
  • Bills are due on the 25th of each month

Avoided costs will be updated monthly. New avoided cost information will not available until the 5th business day of each month.

  1. Register showing overproduction for billing period.
  2. The second Energy Charge is the credit amount for the overproduction for the billing period at the corresponding month's Avoided Energy Cost.

Solar FAQs

• What electric rates does the proposal use and what inflation rate is used? How does that compare with my current rate?
• What estimated cost is used for excess energy produced? Cotton purchases energy supplied by the member at the Cooperative’s avoided energy cost.
• Is there a large, up-front payment required or are fees spread out over time?
• Will I own the panels or will they be leased?
• Are there any hidden costs like replacing the roof before installation or marketing, advertising or research fees?
• Are there ongoing maintenance fees?
• Are there rebates or other financial incentives available?
• Are the estimated energy savings worth the investment?
• Is it more cost effective to invest in other energy saving measures?

• Overall energy efficiency of your home/building
• Orientation of the sun in relation to the home/building
• Tree coverage near the home
• Weather patterns for the region
• Storm damage – who’s responsible for repairs?  Does the customer pay for the solar even if it’s not repaired timely?
• Solar valuation in sale of house
• Return on investment

Before you say yes to solar, do plenty of research. Ask questions.

Adding rooftop solar to your house is an investment of time and money comparable to the commitment you made when purchasing the property. Think back to that time: You looked for the right place at the right price. You found out as much about it as you could. You sought a trusted source to lend their expertise in matters they understood. You had a thorough understanding before you signed the mortgage papers.

Do the same before signing a solar contract.

As your trusted energy advisor, Cotton Electric Cooperative can offer a candid assessment of your specific situation to help before you make a significant financial investment.

We encourage our members to get several quotes and thoroughly investigate the credibility of the companies researched. Proposals that state your electric bill will go down to nothing are not correct. All members of Cotton Electric pay a monthly fee to help cover fixed costs like poles, wires, and transformers that are required to provide power whenever you need it. Cotton Electric recognizes that member interest in green energy sources and renewables is at an all-time high.

We stand ready to help our members determine their best options and welcome your questions. For more information, call Heath Morgan at 580-875-3351 or email