The Current February 2025

Since premiering in September 1957, The Current has been the newspaper of record for the members of Cotton Electric. The Current is a full-size newspaper that is distributed to more than 15,000 people every month. The award-winning newspaper features a dynamic classified section and an editorial policy that focuses on the people and activities of Southwest Oklahoma.

Located in Walters, Okla., The Current reaches residents in eight Southwest Oklahoma counties including Cotton, Comanche, Stephens, Tillman, Jefferson, Caddo, Carter and Grady counties.

As a free service, Cotton Electric members can place two classifieds each month in the The Current. Classifieds can be placed via email to, by phone to 580-875-3351 or by mail to 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK, 73572. Please limit your ad to 30 words. Classifieds can also be purchased at a rate of $5.00 per ad.

Got a story idea for us? Email your ideas to the editor at, by phone to 580-875-3351 or by mail to 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK  73572.